ICKC does not accept checks for day of show entry. We will allow checks for pictures as the turn around date allows for the checks to clear.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: HOTELS ARE AN EXTENSION OF THE SHOW SITE AND ALL ICKC RULES ARE ENFORCED AT BOTH LOCATIONS. DOGS MAY NOT BE BATHED, LEFT LOOSE OR UNATTENDED IN HOTEL ROOMS. Exhibitors will be held responsible for any damage to their hotel rooms. ICKC does not have to accept entries from irresponsible owners or handlers.

PLEASE exercise dogs at the motels and the show sites in designated areas only, and you must pick up after your dogs.

No personal photos may be taken while the show photographer is taking pictures & no outside photographers will be allowed to take photos at our shows!
Anyone that is seen doing this can have their points removed on all dogs that they have shown with us. ICKC rents the grounds, hires & pays for judges fee, judges travel fees, hotels & meals for judges, flights for judges, ribbons, trophies, jackets & other prizes and all other expenses add up to a great amount.  If you take show win photos they must be paid for or points & showing privilege will be removed.

Pre-Entry closes two  Sundays before the show at 11:59pm with no exceptions.  Late Online Entry closes Tuesday before the show at 11:59pm. If you Pre-Enter and are unable to attend for any reason we are not required or obligated to refund your pre-entry monies or to allow you to use those pre-entries at a later show date. That is the inherent risk of pre-entering, the only time you will be allowed any allowances is if your dog that has been entered has been injured or sick and can be verified by a letter & copy of receipt from your veterinarian. Then we will try to accommodate you in some way by possibly letting you use part of your pre-entry fees to a future show. We regret having to enforce this issue but too many people are abusing it and now demanding to use their pre-entry for another show date. As spelled out in the Agreement on the Entry Forms we are not obligated in any way to letting you use the pre-entry fee for another show date so we are finding now that we have to enforce this ruling.   

ICKC accepts all recognized AKC, UKC, FCI, and rare breeds:


The breeds and/or varieties of breeds found on our breed list page divided by groups shall be all the breeds and/or varieties of breeds for which regular classes of ICKC may be provided at any show held under ICKC rules. The Board of Directors may add to, transfer from one group to another, or delete from said list of breeds and/or varieties of breeds, whenever in its opinion, such action is justified, for Group and Best In Show competition and to obtain a ICKC Championship.


Regular Classes of ICKC that are divided by sex are as follows:
·    2 to 6 Months PUPPY
·    6 to 9 Months Junior Puppy
·    9 to 12 Months Junior Puppy
·    12 to 18 Months
·    Novice
·    Bred By Exhibitor
·    American Bred
·    Open
·    Best Of Winners (First place winners from all classes listed above over 6 months of age)

·    Best Puppy In Breed (2 to 6 Months)

·    Best Junior Puppy In Breed (6 to 12 Months)

·    Best Of Breed (ICKC, AKC, NAKC & FCI Champions only)*

·    Best Puppy In Group (2 to 6 Months)

·    Best Junior Puppy In Group (6 to 12 Months)

·    Best Puppy In Show (2 to 6 Months)

·    Best Junior Puppy In Show (6 to 12 Months)

·    Best Reserve Puppy In Show (2 to 6 Months)

·    Best Reserve Junior Puppy In Show (6 to 12 Months)

·    Reserve Best In Show (6 months and over)

·    Best In Show (6 months and over)


NON-Regular Classes of ICKC as follows:
·    SPAY/NEUTER CLASS (Spayed/neutered dogs will compete for Ch. of Honor Best of Breed, Winner will go onto Ch. of Honor Best In Show)
·    VETERANS CLASS (Dogs or bitches over 7 years of age. May compete for Best of Breed) they will also go to the Ch. of Honor BOB 
      Retired Ch. Show Dogs (Dogs or bitches that have Championed and are now retired.  They will go for Ch. Of Honor BOB, they do not need to be spay/neutered)
·    CHAMPION OF THE YEAR (Year end show only, not divided by sex.)
·    GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR (Year end show only, not divided by sex.)
·    SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR (Year end show only, not divided by sex.)
·    MASTER SUPREME CHAMPION OF THE YEAR (Year end show only, not divided by sex.)

·  HALL OF FAME OF THE YEAR (Year end show only, not divided by sex.)

 There is a 2 week grace period each side of a dog/bitch's  birth date. 

The 6 to 9 Month Junior Puppy class shall be for dogs that are at least six months of age, but less than nine months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.


The 9 to 12 Month Junior Puppy class shall be for dogs that are at least nine months of age, but less than twelve months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.


The 12 to 18 Month class shall be for dogs that are at least twelve months of age, but less than eighteen months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.


The Novice class shall be for dogs twelve months of age and over which have not, prior to the date of closing of entries, won two first prizes in the Novice class, a first prize in Bred By Exhibitor, American Bred or Open classes, nor three or more points toward their championship. 


The Bred By Exhibitor class shall be for dogs that are twelve months of age and over that are not champions. The breeder or co breeders of record must handle Dogs/bitches entered in this class, than someone else may handle the dog/bitch for WINNERS.


The American Bred class shall be for all dogs (except champions) twelve months of age and over, whelped in the United States of America.


The Open class shall be for any dog twelve months of age or over.


The Best Of Winners class shall be divided by sex and each division shall be open only to undefeated dogs of the same sex which have won first prizes, in either the 6 to 9 Month Junior Puppy, 9 to 12 Month Junior Puppy, 12 to 18 Month, Novice, Bred By Exhibitor, American Bred or Open classes. There shall be no entry fee for Best Of Winners competition.
    a) After the Winners prize has been awarded in one of the sex divisions, the second place dog of the class the Winners was chosen from shall compete with the other eligible dogs for Reserve Winners. No eligible dog may be withheld from competition.


Points for International Championship are awarded at:
    1)    Winners Dog
    2)    Winners Bitch
    3)    Best Of Winners, receives the greater number of points of either sex
               a)    There shall be no entry fee for Best Of Winners competition.
               b)    The Best of Winners is awarded to either the Winners Dog or Winners Bitch.
    4)    BEST OF BREED (Champions receive points towards High Championships if Ch. are beat)
    5)    BEST OF OPPOSITE (Champions receive points towards High Championships if Ch. are beat)
    6)    BEST JUNIOR PUPPY IN BREED (for Jr. Ch. Title)
    7)    BEST JUNIOR PUPPY IN GROUP (for Jr. Ch. Title)
    8)    GROUP
   10)   BEST IN SHOW


Best of Breed competition is eligible to:
   1)  Dogs that are ICKC, AKC, NAKC & FCI Champions only, proof of FCI or AKC Championship must be provided with entry. During Club Specialties ICKC will allow non ICKC Champions to compete in the BEST OF BREED class but no points are awarded towards the ICKC Championship.
   2)  Dogs, which according to their owners’ records, have completed the requirements for a championship but whose championship is unconfirmed after the first show of any show weekend. The showing of dogs whose championship is unconfirmed is limited to a period of 30 days from the date of show where a dog completed the requirements for a championship according to the owner's records,
   3) Both WINNERS dog and Winners bitch
   4) VETERAN Class winner who competed at the show only in the Veteran Class, a non regular class, which is available at Specialties.
            a)   After Best of Breed has been awarded, the judge shall select Best of Opposite Sex to the Best of Breed.
Dogs eligible are...
    1) Dogs of opposite sex to the Best of Breed that have been entered for Best of Breed competition, and
   2) Any undefeated dogs of the opposite sex to the Best of BREED, which have competed at the show only in specific non regular classes available at Specialties only.


TEN Groups to be arranged in the same order and to comprise the same breeds and recognized varieties of breeds as in FCI Groups. 


The 2 to 6 Month Class is eligible for dogs that are at least two months of age, but less than six months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.


Best Junior Puppy In Breed competition is eligible to:
    1)    First Place winner of 6 to 9 Month Junior Puppy Dog,
    2)    First Place winner of 9 to12 Month Junior Puppy Dog,
    3)    First Place winner 6 to 9 Month Junior Puppy Bitch and
    4)    First Place winner 9 to 12 Month Junior Puppy Bitch


The Best Junior Puppy In Breed competition is eligible to dogs that are at least six months of age, but less than twelve months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show.

Best Junior Puppy In Group to be arranged in same order and to comprise the same breeds and recognized varieties of breeds as herein before set forth in the ICKC Breeds List. All dogs who have won Best Junior Puppy In Breed at the show where these group classes are given, shall be eligible to compete in group classes to which they belong, and all dogs designated Best of Variety Junior Puppy in those breeds with more than one recognized variety, shall be eligible to compete in the group classes where they belong. All eligible breeds for these group classes shall be made after judging of the regular classes has been finished and no entry fee shall be charged. In the event that the owner of a dog designated Best Junior Puppy In Breed or Best of Variety Junior Puppy shall not exhibit the dog in the group class to which it is eligible, no other dog of the same breed or variety of breed shall be allowed to compete.

An ICKC Show, offering ten Groups, must also offer a Best Junior Puppy In Show. The winner to be entitled "Best Junior Puppy In Show". No entry fee shall be charged but the ten group winners must compete.

The non regular CLASSES, which is offered only at the Year End Show by ICKC, where dogs and bitches compete together, is as follows:
  1)  CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS - Competition is eligible to all ICKC, AKC, NAKC & FCI Champions
       (Proof of FCI & AKC Championship must be provided along with entry.)




An ICKC Show, offering Ten Groups, must also offer a Best in Show. The winner to be entitled "Best In Show". No entry fee shall be charged to the Group winners who compete in Best In Show.  All rare breeds, AKC & UKC breeds will compete together in their FCI Groups for Best In Show.


The Best Puppy In Breed competition is eligible to dogs that are at least two months of age, but less than six months on the day of the show date. The age of a dog shall be calculated up to the date of the show. No points are awarded to puppies less than six months of age.

Best Puppy In Group to be arranged in same order and to comprise the same breeds and recognized varieties of breeds as herein before set forth in the ICKC Breeds List above. All dogs who have won Best Puppy In Breed at the show where these group classes are given shall be eligible to compete in group classes to which they belong, and all dogs designated Best of Variety Puppy in those breeds with more than one recognized variety, shall be eligible to compete in the group classes where they belong. All eligible breeds for these group classes shall be made after judging of the regular classes has been finished and no entry fee shall be charged. In the event that the owner of a dog designated Best Puppy In Breed or Best of Variety Puppy shall not exhibit the dog in the group class to which it is eligible, no other dog of the same breed or variety of breed shall be allowed to compete.

An ICKC Show, offering ten Groups, must also offer a Best Puppy In Show. The winner to be entitled "Best Puppy In Show". No entry fee shall be charged but the ten group winners must compete.

CHAMPION OF THE YEAR, offered at year end shows only, is open to ICKC, AKC, NAKC & FCI champions only; proof of FCI championship will be required with entry. The CHAMPION OF THE YEAR class will not be divided by sex and champions of any age are eligible.

GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR, offered at year-end shows only, is open to ICKC & NAKC Grand Champions only. The GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR class will not be divided by sex and GRAND champions of any age are eligible.

SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR, offered at year-end shows only, is open to ICKC & NAKC SUPREME Grand Champions only. The SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION OF THE YEAR class will not be divided by sex and SUPREME GRAND champions of any age are eligible.

MASTER SUPREME CHAMPION OF THE YEAR is open to ICKC & NAKC MASTER SUPREME Champions only. The MASTER SUPREME CHAMPION OF THE YEAR class will not be divided by sex and MASTER SUPREME champions of any age are eligible.

The Veteran class, divided by sex, shall be for dogs or bitches that are at least seven (7) years on the show date. The winner of this class may compete in Best of Breed. They will also go on and compete for Veteran Dog Best of Breed. & Veteran Dog Best in Show (there are no groups for Veteran Dog) Dogs can not be altered (spayed or neutered)

SPAY/NEUTER class Neutered or spayed dogs can only participate in the Altered Dog Class, Altered Dog Best of Breed will go onto compete for Altered Dog Best In Show (there are no groups for Altered Dog).

Retired Show Dog class  This is for Ch. retired show dogs.  They will compete in the Ch. of Honor Best of Breed and Ch. of Honor Best In Show.  Dogs/Bitches do not need to be spayed/neutered.

The NON-REGULAR CLASSES, which are offered only at some Specialties when hosted by ICKC or other Breed Clubs, which involve multiple dogs, are as follows:
·    Brace Class
·    Stud Dog Class
·    Brood Bitch Class

Brace Class shall be for two dogs, irrespective of sex, which are bred or owned by the same breeder.


Stud Dog Class shall be for the stud dog and two of his Get. Stud Dogs must be shown in the ring with their Get. Owner of Stud Dog need not necessarily be owner of Get.


Brood Bitch Class shall be for the brood bitch and two of her produce. Brood Bitches must be shown in the ring with their Produce. Owner of the Brood Bitch need not be necessarily the owner of the Produce.


A Junior Handler class competition may be offered if the ICKC Show Committee chooses. All dogs shown must be listed in any of the groups cited in the ICKC Breeds List.

Neutered or spayed dogs may be shown in all Junior HANDLER classes



ICKC reserve the right to substitute or change ribbons, rosettes & trophies as necessary.

The following colors will be used for ribbons and rosettes in the regular classes of ICKC
·    First Place - Blue Flat Ribbon
·    Second Place ­ Red Flat Ribbon
·    Third Place ­ Yellow Flat Ribbon
·    Winners ­ Purple Flat Ribbon
·    Reserve Winners ­ Pink Flat Ribbon
·    Best of Winners ­ Red/White Flat Ribbon
·    Best of Opposite – Fuchsia/White Flat Ribbon 
·    Best of Breed ­ Blue/White Flat Ribbon


The following colors will be used for Rosettes for Adult Group classes:
·    GROUP ONE ­ Blue/Black Rosette
·    GROUP TWO ­ Red/Black Rosette
·    GROUP THREE ­ Yellow/Black Rosette
     GROUP FOUR Green/Black Rosette

Best in Show –Custom for each Classic

Reserve Best in Show –Custom


The following colors will be used for JR CLASSES


The following colors will be used for Jr. Puppy

Best Junior Puppy in Group – Blue/Blue Shaded Rosette
Group 2 Junior Red/Red Shaded Rosette
Group 2 Junior Yellow/Yellow Shaded Rosette

Best Junior Puppy in Show-Custom

Best Reserve Junior Puppy in Show- Custom


The following colors will be used for the ribbons for Puppy

BEST PUPPY IN BREED – Light Blue Flat Ribbon 
BEST PUPPY IN GROUP – Blue/Grey Rosette
Group 2 Puppy - Red/Grey Rosette
Group 3 Puppy Yellow/Grey Rosette


Best Reserve Puppy in Show-Custom



The premium list of a show sponsored by ICKC must contain and disclose:

The premium list must disclose if the show is benched, the exact location of the show, the date or dates of the show site and hours of operation. All shows will be un-benched unless otherwise stated.


The Show Committee may make decisions regarding the governing of a show as long as they follow the rules of ICKC, and provided that they do not discriminate between breeds or between dogs entered in show classes or obedience class in the required hour of arrival and the hour of removal. Any additional rules will be printed in the premium list for a particular show.

ICKC prohibits any dog to be entered in more than one regular breed class per show.

Exhibitors will be able to enter non regular classes provided that they are entered in one regular class during that show.

    a)    The entry forms must be in hand at the ICKC Office as listed on the premium, by the closing date in order to become a valid entry.
    b)    Whenever the closing day noted above falls on a postal holiday, the entries received on the following
           day may be accepted.


No pre-entries will be accepted, canceled or substituted after two Sundays before each show. Entries received after the closing date will be invalid. Entries received after the closing date will be responsible for the Late Entry Fee. The entries may be mailed back to the maker, or held by the Show Chairman until the show date. If held by the Show Chairman, a notice must be sent as official notice for the day of show entry price or you will be notified at the Show.

Day of Show entries will be taken only during the posted times and dates as specified in the show premium.

ICKC reserves the right to refuse entries.


The Director of Dog Shows of ICKC will serve as the Show Chairman at any or all shows approved by International Canine Kennel Club, LLC. The Show Chairman has final authority to make necessary adjustments or arrangements of a dog show while the dog show is in progress.

The Show Chairman of a Dog Show held under the rules of ICKC must be approved by the Show Committee of ICKC

International Canine Kennel Club, LLC.  must approve an individual wishing to serve as a SHOW CHAIRMAN of an all breed dog show.


Show Chairman shall have the authority to enforce the rules during dog shows. Appeals may be made in writing to International Canine Kennel Club, LLC.  To do this all appeals must be sent to ICKC office together with a money order for $75.00. If the appeal is accepted the $75.00 fee will be returned to you, if the appeal is refused the $75.00 fee will be forfeited


The Show Chairman shall have the sole authority to excuse a dog and/or person from being shown or being on the show grounds, without refund of entry fees should they deem it appropriate.


If ICKC elects to have a veterinarian in attendance at shows, the Show Chairman will be responsible for providing a suitable space, which will serve as the headquarters. At shows, with a veterinarian "on call" the Show Chairman or Show Headquarters shall serve as "Veterinarian Headquarters."



Any breed of dog that is recognized by ICKC, either whelped in the United States or foreign, is eligible to participate in the dog shows of ICKC As long as it has a valid registration number certified by a club or organization which ICKC recognizes and accepts its pedigrees.

No pre-entry may be changed or canceled unless notice of the change or cancellation is received by email, overnight messenger or facsimile by the Show Chairman of ICKC prior to the closing date and hour as specified in the premium list for entries. A correction may be made in the sex of a dog, or a dog may be transferred prior to the judging, when according to their owners records the dog has completed the requirements for the breed club class after the closing of entries for a show, provided this transfer is made by the Show Chairman least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of judging at the show. No dog may otherwise be transferred to another class. Owners are responsible for errors in the entry forms, regardless of who may make such errors.


No day of show entry may be changed or canceled. A correction may be made in the sex of a dog, or a dog may be transferred prior to the judging, when according to their owners records the dog has completed the requirements breed club class or have completed the requirements of for a ICKC Championship, provided this transfer is made by the Show Chairman at least one half hour prior to the scheduled start of any regular conformation judging at the show. No dog may otherwise be transferred to another class. Owners are responsible for errors in the entry forms, regardless of who may make such errors.


Any dog entered in a class for which it is not eligible, by virtue of age, sex, winnings, or any other reason, shall forfeit any and all points, and other awards that it may win by virtue of the incorrect entry.


If a dog is later individually registered with a name that is not identical to the name under which it has been entered in dog shows prior to individual registration, each entry form entering the dog in a licensed or member dog show after the owner has received the individual registration certificate must show the registered name followed by "formerly shown as and the name under which the dog was previously shown, until the dog has been awarded one of the four places in a regular class at a show.


Every dog must be entered in the name of the person who actually owned the dog at the time entries closed. The right to exhibit a dog cannot be transferred. A registered dog which has been acquired by some person other than the owner must be entered in the name of its new owner at any show for which entries close after the date upon which the dog was acquired, and application for transfer of ownership must be sent to ICKC by the new owner within seven days after the last day of the show. The new owner should state on the entry form that transfer application has been mailed to registry or will be mailed shortly. If there is any unavoidable delay in obtaining the completed application required to record the transfer, ICKC may grant a reasonable extension of time, provided the new owner notifies the Show Records Department of ICKC by mail within seven days after the show, or the reason for the delay. If a duly authorized agent of the owner makes an entry, the name of the actual owner must be shown on the entry form. If a dog is owned by an association; the name of the association and a list of its officers must be shown on the entry form.


A dog which is blind, deaf, castrated, spayed, or which has been changed in appearance by artificial means except as specified in the standard for its breed, or a male which does not have two normal testicles normally located in the scrotum (except in Altered Class), may not compete at any show and will be disqualified. A dog will not be considered to have been changed by artificial means because of removal of dew claws, cropping of ears or docking of tail if it is of a breed in which such removal or docking is a regularly approved practice which is not contrary to the standard. 
    a)    When a judge finds any of these conditions in any dog he is judging, he shall disqualify the dog marking his sheet Disqualified and stating the reason. He shall not obtain the opinion of the show veterinarian.


When a dog has been disqualified at a show as being blind, deaf, castrated, spayed or changed in appearance by artificial means except as specified in the standard for its breed, any awards taken by such dog at that show shall be canceled by ICKC and the dog may not again compete unless and until, following application by the owner to ICKC, that owner has received official notification from International Canine Kennel Club, LLC. that the dog's show eligibility has been reinstated.


When a dog has been disqualified under the standard for its breed, or when a male has been disqualified as not having two normal testicles normally located in the scrotum, on two separate occasions by any combination of two different judges, such dog may not again be shown. When a dog has been so disqualified at a show, any awards taken by the dog at that show shall be canceled by ICKC.


A dog is considered changed in appearance by artificial means if it has been subjected to any type of procedure that has the effect of obscuring, disguising or eliminating any congenital or hereditary abnormality or any undesirable characteristic, or that does anything to improve a dog's natural appearance, temperament, bite or gait.
    a)   Even procedures, which are absolutely necessary to the health and comfort of a dog, shall disqualify that dog from competition if the former had the incidental effect of changing or even improving the dog's appearance, bite or gait.


If a dog that in the opinion of the judge menaces, threatens or exhibits any signs that it may not be safely approached by the judge or examined by the judge in the normal manner shall be excused from the ring. When the judge excuses the dog, he shall mark the dog excused, stating the reason in the judge's sheet. A dog so excused shall not be counted as having competed. This is at the discretion of the judge, and must be confirmed by the Show Chairman.
    a)    If the breed standard requires that a breed must show assertiveness or the judge is not to touch the dog, this breed will not be excused for showing their natural behavior. Handlers are required to have complete control of their dogs at all times. If the judge feels that the handler cannot control their dog, it will be excused from the ring.


If a dog attacks any person or any other dog in or outside the ring, the judge may disqualify the dog for the show, shows remaining that day, or shows remaining during the weekend of shows. When the judge disqualifies the dog he shall mark the dog "Disqualified" stating the reason on the judge's sheet When a dog has been disqualified under this section, any awards at that show shall be canceled by ICKC, and the dog may not again compete unless and until a reinstatement application is filed by the owner to International Canine Kennel Club, LLC.. The owner has received official notification from International Canine Kennel Club, LLC that the dog's show eligibility has been reinstated and when.


In the opinion of the Show Chairman, Show Committee, or Show Official if a dog attacks or acts aggressive to any person or any other dog, or is an immediate danger to exhibitors or spectators outside the ring shall be disqualified for the show, shows remaining that day and shows remaining during the weekend of shows. The Show Chairman will mark sure the judges' sheets of the breed of such dog are marked "Dismissed".


A dog that is lame at any show may not compete and shall not receive any award at that show. It shall be the judge's responsibility to determine whether a dog is lame. He shall not obtain the opinion of the show veterinarian. If in the judge's opinion a dog in the ring is lame, he shall withhold all awards from such dog and shall excuse it from the ring. A dog so excused shall not be counted as having competed. When a judge excuses a dog from the ring for lameness, he shall mark his sheet "Excused ­ lame".


No dog shall be eligible to compete at any show and no dog shall receive any award at any show in the event the natural color or shade of natural color or the natural markings of the dog have been altered or changed by the use of any substance for any reason. Such substances are to be removed before the dog enters the ring.


If in the judge’s opinion any substance has been used to alter or change the natural color or shade of natural color or natural markings of a dog, the judge shall withhold any and all awards from such dog, and the judge shall make a note in the judge's sheet giving his reason for withholding such award. The handler, the owner, or both, of any dog or dogs from which any award has been withheld for violation of this section of the rules.


Any dog whose ears have been cropped or cut in any way shall be ineligible to compete at any show in any state where the laws prohibit the same except subject to the provisions of such laws.


No dog shall be eligible to compete at any show, no dog shall be brought into the grounds or premises of any dog show, and any dog which may have been brought into the grounds or premises of a dog show shall immediately be removed if it:
  a)    Shows clinical symptoms of distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis or other communicable disease.
  b)    Is known to have been in contact with distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis or other communicable diseases within thirty days prior to the opening of the show, or
  c)     Has been kenneled within thirty days prior to the opening of the show on premises on which there existed distemper, infectious hepatitis, leptospirosis or other communicable disease.


Only dogs that are eligible to be shown under ICKC rules shall be allowed within the show precincts, except that dogs engaged as a special attraction with ICKC or has been approval by the show officials, may also be present. There shall be no benching, nor offering for sale or breeding, nor any displaying of non entered dogs. These dogs shall be subject to all rules relating to health and veterinarians. The owners or agents shall be responsible for the care and safety of such dogs.


Any person acting in the capacity of Show Chairman, at a show, shall not exhibit; act as agent or handler at the show.  The official veterinarian shall not exhibit; act as agent or handler at the show.


Show Chairman, Show Secretary, Judges Committee Chairman can not exhibit a dog of said show of which they are involved, and all whom have personal contact with the judges of the dog show or cluster of dog shows. 


All entries either submitted from the website must have the ICKC AGREEMENT accepted or will not be considered as a valid entry.


All entry premiums that are mailed into the ICKC office must have a signature on them accepting the ICKC AGREEMENT or will not be accepted as a valid entry.

Rules & Regulations